What type of toothbrush is better: electric or manual?

What type of toothbrush is better: electric or manual?

Posted by Dr. Lee Oct 30, 2016

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Most people when they hear the word toothbrush they associate it with the manual toothbrush. But ever since the 1990s, the powered toothbrush has become an attractive alternative to the old-fashioned style. In this article, you will learn the benefits and disadvantages of each type of toothbrush, and it will be up to you which one you prefer to use.

Electric toothbrush

First of all, let’s start with the newer type of toothbrush. There are a lot of advantages to using an electric toothbrush, such as the ease of use. Using an electric toothbrush is effortless. You just have to place the brush at a 45-degree angle and the work will be done for you. The toothbrush also has a built-in timer that will let you know how much time you brushed. In addition to this, studies have shown that the electric toothbrush can clean the plaque better than the manual toothbrush. That is one of the reasons parents prefer to purchase this type of toothbrush for their children.

On the downside, the electrical toothbrush is much more expensive than a manual toothbrush and needs to be charged regularly or have the batteries replaced. There are many different types of manual toothbrushes and if you want to purchase one, be prepared to pay more than what you usually do. Furthermore, it is not that easy to travel with an electric toothbrush, as it is bulky and requires a charger. The electric toothbrush is extremely fragile. Any drop could prove to be fatal to the powered toothbrush.

Manual toothbrush

Everybody says that the electric toothbrush is better, but in fact, if you use the proper brushing technique, you can have the same results using the manual toothbrush. You can brush the same time as with a powered toothbrush, have the same results, and pay much less. It is easy to travel with a standard toothbrush, as it is little. Put the toothbrush in a case, and you are ready to go. You don’t have to worry about any batteries or a charging outlet. The manual toothbrush can have multiple styles, heads, bristles and color to choose from. Remember to purchase a toothbrush with soft bristles and with a head that will permit reaching all your teeth. Children are in love with this type of toothbrush because they can have exclusive prints on their brush. One of the big advantages of the manual toothbrush is that it is extremely inexpensive, but this does not mean that you should buy three toothbrushes for $1.

The main disadvantages of the manual toothbrush are that you have to work more and that it has no built-in timer. You can easily resolve the time problems by setting the chronometer on your phone for two minutes.
Indifferent which type of toothbrush you choose, you should remember two things. The toothbrush you choose should have the ADA Seal of Approval that assures of the efficiency of the toothbrush, and that it is more important to brush your teeth twice every day than to have the most expensive toothbrush in the world. If you have any more questions about which toothbrush you should choose, you can ask your dentist at the end of your next checkup.

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