Do you know that you can achieve a flawless smile, without disrupting your life?

Do you know that you can achieve a flawless smile, without disrupting your life?

Posted by Dr. Lee Oct 02, 2017

This is a thumbnail image of blog Do you know that you can achieve a flawless smile, without disrupting your life?

How do you feel about your smile? Are you perfectly happy with it? If not, you are only one among more than 50% of all Americans, who are not satisfied with the appearance of their smile and are willing to go through intensive dental work to improve it.
One of the most recommended Burien options for achieving a perfect smile is orthodontic treatment. Currently, more than 5 million Americans are going through some kind of orthodontic therapy. One of the most popular methods, used in orthodontics, are braces. However, many adults are concerned about wearing them, mainly because they are visible and could cause some irritation and discomfort. There is a great alternative to braces, which almost doesn’t influence your everyday comfort, called Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

The Invisalign treatment consists of a series of transparent, removable aligners that you change every two weeks for the next set of aligners. Each aligner is customized and individually manufactured for your teeth. As you replace each aligner, your teeth will move – little by little – until they have straightened to the final desired position.

Prior to starting Invisalign treatment, your Burien dentist is going to make a virtual treatment plan for you, generated by a unique 3D software. The plan will show how your teeth are going to move over the course of your treatment. Thus, you will be able to see upfront what your teeth are expected to look like at the end of your Invisalign treatment. Your custom-made aligners are going to be produced in accordance with the results of the software plan.

While every case is unique to each patient, the treatment with Invisalign typically takes approximately a year for adults. For teens, the length of treatments is comparable to that of braces.

How can I benefit from Invisalign?

The most important benefits of Invisalign are the following:

  • Invisalign is an effective treatment alternative for a wide variety of cases, including spacing, crowding, crossbite, overbite and underbite.
  • The smooth, plastic aligners are very comfortable and almost invisible, so the treatment almost doesn’t influence your everyday comfort.
  • The aligners can be removed for easy cleaning and convenient dining.
  • Invisalign treatment has a minimal interference in how you live, but impacts significantly the way you look and feel about yourself.

Invisalign is a great option to achieve a perfect smile. However, be sure to consult an experienced Invisalign-trained dental provider to see how well Invisalign fits your individual needs. If you live or work in Burien, WA, you can rely on a professional advice and treatment from Dr. Lee from Burien Family Dental Care. Dr. Lee would offer you a thorough examination and help you chose the best solution for your needs.

Invisalign among celebrities

A long list of celebrities has already taken advantage of the benefits of Invisalign. Among them are Justin Bieber, Gisele Bundchen, Khloe Kardashian, Natalie Portman, and many others.

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