Three Great Tips for a Healthy Summer Smile

Three Great Tips for a Healthy Summer Smile

Posted by Dr. Lee Jul 28, 2020

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Despite the unprecedented times, we are facing this year, the long-awaited summer is finally here and it is time for a deserved vacation. Along with more outdoor activities during the summer season, comes tastier but not so healthy food like ice cream, barbecue treats, and a lot of sweet, refreshment drinks.

To maintain a healthy and beautiful summer smile without having to give up on your favorite activities and foods, here are a few useful tips from us.

  1. Brush and floss regularly

Burien dentists recommend brushing and flossing at least twice a day to keep your teeth and mouth clean from harmful bacteria that can cause decay. Of course, we know proper tooth brushing is hard to do if you’re at the beach or up in the mountain, but if you can’t brush your teeth, at least give your mouth a rinse with water to get rid of anything that’s stuck between your teeth. Next to brushing, don’t forget to floss. Floss is a great dental cleaning alternative for the summer, as it’s easy to carry along with you, so you can at least clean between your teeth after eating if you don’t have the option to brush them properly.

Try to always keep sugar free, chewing gum in your pocket, as it will help to protect your teeth. Chewing gum helps to increase the production of saliva in the mouth. Saliva helps keep your mouth balanced. The addition of xylitol to the saliva helps this balance at another level. Xylitol can’t be converted to acids by oral bacteria, so it helps to maintain a proper pH balance in your mouth. Chewing gum also helps satisfy your snacking desire, which may be a great way to decrease the intake of junk food snacks for you and your children.

  1. Consume plenty of water

Drinking water is not only the best way to stay hydrated on a hot summer day, but it is also very beneficial for your skin, your teeth, and your entire body. Try to consume primarily pure water with no added flavors or carbonation and you will not have to worry about demineralizing your teeth, as many of the additives can cause tooth enamel breakdown. In addition, you can flush away food particles and bacteria with water, to keep your mouth clean and fresh.

In addition to consuming plenty of pure water, try keeping out of your diet drinks with added sugar, like juices, sodas, and sports drinks. Most sports drinks not only contain a high content of sugar but are also highly acidic. Consumption of too many sports drinks can lead to tooth decay and tooth enamel erosion.

  1. Use mouthguard when doing sports

Summer is usually associated with more outdoor and physical activities, which require beauty smile protection. Similar to our skin, which requires sunscreen for sun protection, our teeth need mouthguards for protection from possible trauma. A custom-made mouthguard from your Burien dentist will help you enjoy all the summer fun, while protecting your smile from tooth loss or mouth trauma.

Finally, don’t forget your regular check-up appointments with your Burien dentist to assure yourself a healthy and beautiful smile all summer long.

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