Orthodontic treatment can change your smile and your life

Orthodontic treatment can change your smile and your life

Posted by Dr. Lee Dec 23, 2016

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Do you feel confident about your smile? Are your teeth perfectly aligned? If not, you are part of 50% of all Americans, who are not satisfied with their teeth, and yet, believe in the importance of a perfect smile for success in life.

Since very few of us are blessed with a naturally beautiful smile, we are happy we can rely on modern dentistry and professional experts like Dr. Lee from Burien Family Dental Care to help us achieve one.
The best option to achieve the smile, you have always dreamed of is through orthodontic treatment.
Although orthodontic treatment is generally best carried out in children, adults can also benefit from it – and more and more Americans are doing so. Statistics reveal that more than 5 million Americans are currently going through orthodontic treatment.

What is orthodontics?

The word orthodontics comes from the Greek orthos, meaning “straight, perfect or proper”, and dontos, which means “teeth”.

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that specializes in treating patients with improper positioning of teeth when the mouth is closed (malocclusion), which results in an improper bite. Orthodontics, which was actually the first specialty created in the field of dentistry, also includes treating and controlling various aspects of facial growth (dentofacial orthopedics) and the shape and development of the jaw. Orthodontics also includes cosmetic dentistry when the patient’s aim is to improve his/her appearance.

How do I know if I need Orthodontics?

It is only your dentist or orthodontist who can actually determine whether you can benefit from orthodontics, based on a thorough examination and diagnostics.

You might be a candidate for orthodontic treatment, If you have any of the following:
•Overbite— where the upper front teeth stick out over the lower teeth
•Underbite — where the lower teeth are too far forward or the upper teeth too far back
•Crossbite — when the upper teeth do not come down slightly in front of the lower teeth when biting together normally
•Open bite — space between the biting surfaces of the front and/or side teeth when the back teeth bite together
•Spacing — gaps or spaces between the teeth as a result of missing teeth or teeth that do not “fill up” the mouth
•Crowding — when there are too many teeth for the dental ridge to accommodate

What are my orthodontics treatment options?

Many different types of appliances, both fixed and removable, are used to help move teeth, retrain muscles and affect the growth of the jaws. These appliances work by placing gentle pressure on the teeth and jaws.
Based on the severity of your problem, your orthodontist would determine which approach is likely to be the most effective for you. The following appliances, however, are most commonly used:

  • Braces — the most common fixed appliances, braces consist of bands, wires and/or brackets. Bands are fixed around the teeth or tooth and used as anchors for the appliance, while brackets are most often bonded to the front of the tooth. Arch wires are passed through the brackets and attached to the bands. Tightening the arch wire puts tension on the teeth, gradually moving them to their proper position. Braces are usually adjusted monthly to bring about the desired results, which may be achieved within a few months to a few years. Today’s braces offer many style options. Next to the traditional metal appliances, you can choose from bright colors for kids, as well as clear styles, preferred by many adults. Lingual braces are placed on the inner part of the teeth and in that way are completely invisible from outside.
  • Aligners — an alternative to traditional braces for adults, serial aligners are being used by an increasing number of orthodontists to move teeth in the same way that fixed appliances work, only without metal wires and brackets. Aligners are virtually invisible and are removed for eating, brushing and flossing. Although they are a better option from an aesthetical point of view, they might not be appropriate in some cases.

How do I benefit from orthodontic treatment?

The benefits of orthodontic treatment include a healthier mouth, a more pleasing appearance, and teeth that are more likely to last longer. Last, but for sure not least is a better self-esteem and a better quality of life.
Should you be living or working in Burien, WA, you can rely on the professional advice and top quality treatment from Dr. Lee from Burien Family Dental Care who would offer you a customized treatment plan to achieve the smile of your dreams.

Celebrities are also going through orthodontic treatment

Still considering if orthodontic treatment is worth to do? Are you concerned about the results or how are you going to look with that thing in your mouth? Well, take an example from the world of celebrities: many of the most famous faces on the planet are not afraid to put braces on, no matter of their age and media exposure – and the results are definitely worth it!

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