Everything you need to know about Dental Implants

Everything you need to know about Dental Implants

Posted by Dr. Lee Jan 25, 2021

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Missing a tooth (or more) can make life difficult for one, be it socializing or enjoying your favorite food. It forces people to become over cautious while interacting in public, be it while talking, eating, or smiling. It can also cause more damage to the jaw bone and develop plaque and bacteria over time. The most common solution people opt for is removable temporary dentures. However, temporary dentures don’t solve most of the problems besides having their own drawbacks. Dental implants on the other hand becoming more and more popular due to their natural teeth like firm support on the jaw bone. According to popular studies, more than five million dental implants are applied by dentists in The United States.

So, why are dental implants becoming so popular and recommended by dentists? Let’s take a look;


Dental implants are firmly fixed on the gums, unlike the removable dentures. The implants come with a titanium base which is rooted inside the jawbone giving the crown a firm grip, as good as natural teeth. Due to the crown being rooted inside the bone, the implant provides a firm bite while eating, unlike the removable dentures. These implants also last longer, almost a lifetime if taken basic care of. People with implants don’t feel the anxiety of experiencing it falling off of their moth while talking which is a very common case with removable dentures. 

Not painful or dangerous

Many people don’t opt for implants due to fear of pain. The basic fear of something being rooted in your jawbone makes people avoiding the better solution. However, the procedure is not painful if done by professionals. With the use of local anesthesia, dentists numb the surrounding area of the gum. When the crown is rooted in the jawbone, the patient does not feel any pain. After the effect of the anesthesia is over, there will be some sensation which can be treated with medication if needed. In, almost no time, the patient can get back to normal life after a successful procedure. 

Say goodbye to cavities 

 The crown of the dental implant is made of porcelain and the root (the abutment) is made of either gold or titanium. None of these materials helps in building plaque which also ensures fewer bacteria buildup. As porcelain doesn’t decay like the enamel of the tooth, the implants actually last longer than the natural teeth. Another bright side of having implants is they don’t require any extra care. When you brush your teeth, the implants are cleaned as well, unlike the removable dentures which need to be cleaned separately every time.

Helps to prevent the loss of jaw bone

Missing a tooth or more can be damaging for the jaw. Without a root, the jaw bone will recede over time, due to the presence of the hole. As a result, the jaw will start losing its natural shape and become more shrunken. As the number of missing teeth grows, the change in the shape of the jawbone will become severe. This can also cause wrinkled facial skin and affect the natural shape of the mouth.

By placing an implant, the dentists close that hole or gap in the jawbone which provides solid support. As a result, the shape remains intact and the chance of any further decaying in the jaw bone is gone. 

Not just a cosmetic procedure

Many people might think dental implants are unnecessary and are a mere cosmetic procedure to maintain looks and appearances. In reality, this procedure is more than just a cosmetic touch. Missing teeth can force people to change their diet completely. Missing multiple teeth means eating meat, fruits, bread, and other hard food items can be painful. Gradually people start shifting towards a different diet which can cause nutrition deficiency and cause greater health issues. People will also be deprived of their favorite foods which can be avoided by having dental implants which are almost like natural teeth. 

Dental implants are like for like replacement for missing natural teeth. The procedure isn’t painful and also won’t cost one a fortune. With modern technology and medical procedures, today one can go for the procedure and in hours will be able to get back to their normal life. Dental implants are the answer for missing teeth, in every sense. 

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