Everything you need to know about Clear Aligners

Everything you need to know about Clear Aligners

Posted by Dr. Lee Jun 30, 2022

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Having a perfect smile is something everyone desires. However, unaligned teeth are one of the most common oral problems found among children and adults. Over the years, many medical procedures have been introduced to cure unaligned teeth issues, especially for the younger generation. Braces have been one of the most popular methods used in recent times to treat crooked or unaligned teeth. Recently, clear aligners or invisible aligners are emerging as the popular choice among all age groups to treat their teeth alignment.

What is a clear aligner or an invisible aligner?

Invisible aligners or clear aligners are made of special materials and customized to fit an individual. As every invisible aligner is custom designed and made for an individual, it provides proper support just like metallic braces. 

Unlike the metallic braces, clear aligners aren’t fixated on your teeth. These can be worn like mouthguards and removed while eating, brushing, or flossing. This helps keep better oral hygiene as well as get your unaligned teeth aligned. 


Invisible aligners are removable which means you can clean them and maintain hygiene. Unlike the metal braces, there are no wires or brackets in clear aligners which do not attract food particles. As food particles do not get stuck, it remains cleaner and doesn’t encourage plaque buildup. 

Unlike the metallic braces, clear aligners are low maintenance, and you don’t have to visit the dentist over often for repair. 

The most important characteristic of clear aligners is they are almost invisible. While talking, eating, or smiling, it is hard to notice the aligners as these are made of transparent materials. It doesn’t make you more uncomfortable or awkward during public interactions. 


The first thing you need to do is to visit a dentist or orthodontist. Once the professional takes a good look at your teeth and decides on the alignment you will be given an aligner that suits your teeth. By applying a few versions, the professional will then make a few adjustments over time and get your teeth aligned step by step. 

You will have to make a few visits to the orthodontist over time to get a few new sets to further align your teeth. 

How long does it take?

Metallic braces are used for all kinds of crooked teeth alignments which is not the case with clear aligners. Clear aligners can only work in moderate cases where the alignment is not extremely crooked. 

Usually, it takes 12 to 24 months to align moderately unaligned teeth. The less severe the case the less time it takes to rectify the issues. However, if you are an adult or a middle-aged person with moderate to severe issues you might need to have metallic braces to have your teeth aligned. 

Clear aligners are becoming more and more popular among the younger generation as it is almost invisible and does not affect your public appearance. If you have less severe issues, clear aligners can be more effective and convenient for you. 

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